Saturday, August 23, 2008

Morning (and the heatwave!) has broken

Ahhh....the cool, sweet smell of fresh, broken air. It has been so horridly humid here, that the couch feels wet when you sit on it. But last night, something shifted, and this morning it is glorious.

There have been lots of shifts in the girls, too. Growing, growing and growing.
Frances STILL isn't walking. She can, but she won't. Ruby is so very very THREE, it's amazing that she is alive after the end of each day. We've been going to the pool and beach a lot. And I am still trying to figure out the flow of life with two kids.

They are firecrackers, my girls. I love them endlessly, and often, I want to leave them in a cart at Target and just walk away. Such is parenting two smallies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

welcome to motherhood...hahahaha I remember a time at Target. Austin wanted ride below the cart. I said, "No, your fingers will get run over." "NO THEY WON'T MOM!!! I'LL BE REALLY REALLY CAREFUL!"
Against my better judgement, I allowed it. Of course the cart ran over his finger and he started to scream. It had been a long day and I simply looked at him and shrugged. A woman walking by informed me, the bad mother, that his fingers had gotten run over.
I shrugged at her too and got a very dirty look. She probably didn't have children.....We've all wanted to leave our children at Target at one time or another. Hang in there.